How I Drive | Profile of Chris Baccus of Sustainable Dad

I’ve known Chris Baccus since we met on Twitter back in 2009. We didn’t have the pleasure of meeting in real life for four more years! Needless to say, Chris has been an amazing mentor to me in the automotive digital space. I’m glad to call Chris a friend as well as a colleague.

You may remember Chris from one of his many popular blogs: The Auto Marketing Blog, Gas Station Tacos, or his most recent adventure, Sustainable Dad. He and I first worked together in 2010. We’ve been reviewing the Super Bowl automotive ads since before it was cool. And we try to collaborate whenever the opportunity arises.

Today, I’m excited to share his driving style — which I’m sure mirrors his dry wit — with all of you!

How I Drive | Profile of Chris Baccus

Location: Los Angeles

Daily Driver: 2015 Fiat 500e, orange. I call it the Gumdrop.

Time Spent Driving/day: About 2 and a half hours.

Road Most Traveled: LA Freeways

Driving Style in One Word: Slow but zippy. Traffic moves slowly, but with instant torque in an electric, I can quickly zip into another lane.

In-Car Must-Haves: It depends on the car’s use. For commuting, I definitely can’t see going with anything other than electric. We also have a 2012 Volvo XC70 with Polestar that is great for road trips and any time we are all driving as a family. In that situation, I want navigation, adaptive cruise-control and bluetooth/iPod connectivity.

Driving Tunes: Lately, it’s been a lot of blues music because I picked up playing my bass guitar after a 10-year hiatus. The other thing I listen to a lot is Marc Maron’s WTF podcast.

Time-saving technique: Nothing while on the road. Off the road, I use my plug-in charger so I don’t have to fuel up at any gas stations!

Hanging from rear view: My high school graduation tassels. Just kidding…

Want to see more of our “How I drive” profiles? Check out who else we’ve profiled. Want to share your driving style? Contact us!

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This article was written by
Melanie Batenchuk

Melanie Batenchuk founded Be Car Chic in 2009 as a way to help consumers make smart decisions when buying and selling their cars. Her prior work at the dealership, trade association and manufacturer levels has provided her a deep understanding of the complex facets within the auto industry, making her a leading woman in her field.