How I Drive | Profile of WWH Communications’ William West Hopper

This week’s How I Drive interviewee hails from DC, owns an automotive marketing company and also owns an interior design installation company. I’m talking about William West Hopper. William works closely with Be Car Chic editor Melanie as fellow members of WAPA (Washington Automotive Press Association). Let’s check out William’s DC driving style!

How I Drive | William West Hopper

Location: Washington, DC

Daily Driver: 2002 Chevrolet Astro Cargo Van, White, Restore

Time Spent Driving/day: it is a work truck so when it is needed

Road Most Traveled: All over

Driving Style in One Word: Controlled

In-Car Must-Haves: A/C

Driving Tunes: 80’s

Time-saving technique: Waze, back roads, and shortcuts

Hanging from rear view: Nothing, I hate distractions and tasteless decor

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Whitney (Gonzalez) Ramirez has admired high-performing cars from a young age since her father is an automotive mechanic and racecar driver. She is intrigued by new developments in the automotive industry and is particularly interested in European cars and racing. Read more about Whitney here.

There are 3 comments for this article
  1. William West Hopper at 8:07 PM

    Well today, I was not so controlled in my driving, more like a racecar driver. But I never really drive in DMV drivetime rushhour!

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