How I Drive | Profile of Car and Driver’s Clifford Atiyeh

You’ve heard of Car and Driver, right? This week’s “How I Drive” highlights Car and Driver’s Contributing Editor Clifford Atiyeh. Clifford is into cars (would you have guessed it?), loves big dogs and has a passion for writing. If you’re a car buff, chances are you’ve read more than a few of Clifford’s articles, as he’s a regular contributor To BestRide, Boston Globe and more.

Let’s explore what his driving style is like!

How I Drive | Clifford Atiyeh

Location: Connecticut

Daily Driver: None! I’ve spend my entire life driving cars I don’t own

Time Spent Driving/day: Since I don’t commute, I have to make time to drive.

I’d say 30 minutes maximum per day, and much more on weekends when the weather’s fine and there’s a hot car in the driveway.

Road Most Traveled: Back roads. The Merritt Parkway is also one of the most exciting high-speed roads I’ve encountered, even though it was meant for 50 mph and is sort of dangerous.

Driving Style in One Word: Assertive

In-Car Must-Haves: A bass-kicking stereo, heated, supportive seats and good HVAC are really all anyone like me needs. Beyond that, polarized sunglasses. And if we’re stretching “have,” an engine with 300 horsepower, minimum.

Driving Tunes: Anything on Top 40, then capped off with Jamiroquai, Black Keys and other rock music

Time-saving technique: Google Maps. It’s saved me countless times. Other than that, it’s a judicious right foot and radar.

Hanging from rear view: A handicapped placard. Actually, my grandfather doesn’t let me drive his car with that hanging on the mirror. Why would anyone hang stuff from their mirror?

Want to see more of our “How I drive” profiles? Check some out below! Whose profile do you want to see next?

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Whitney (Gonzalez) Ramirez has admired high-performing cars from a young age since her father is an automotive mechanic and racecar driver. She is intrigued by new developments in the automotive industry and is particularly interested in European cars and racing. Read more about Whitney here.

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