How I Drive | Profile of BoldRide’s Keith Griffin

How I Drive | Profile of BoldRide’s Keith Griffin

Chances are if you’ve spent time reading about cars (particularly used cars), you’ve read a piece by Keith Griffin. From being’s used car expert to being the contributing editor at, Keith has over 30 years of writing experience and has dabbled in various gigs in that time. You may know his writing style, but today we’re peeking into his driving style.

How I Drive | Keith Griffin

Location: West Hartford, CT

Daily Driver: 2008 Mazda Mazda5 blue mini-minivan with a 5-speed manual transmission. We just call her “The Mazda.”

Time Spent Driving/day: Some days 2 minutes – some days 5 hours

Road Most Traveled: I-91 north to the airport

Driving Style in One Word: Fast but responsible

In-Car Must-Haves: Heated seats, heated steering wheel and Sirius XM

Driving Tunes: Not tunes – but comedy routines! Mitch Hedberg, Jim Gaffigan, Hannibal Burress. Amy Schumer, et. al.

Time-saving technique: Passing lane to avoid merging traffic (but I move over to let others pass)

Hanging from rear view: Nothing – I don’t like the visual distractions

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Whitney (Gonzalez) Ramirez has admired high-performing cars from a young age since her father is an automotive mechanic and racecar driver. She is intrigued by new developments in the automotive industry and is particularly interested in European cars and racing. Read more about Whitney here.