2014 Mazda 3 five door gets Skyactiv, hatch hotness
If you love hot hatches (and I do), then feast…
We talk a good deal about driver safety here on Be Car Chic, but it’s typically focused at teenage and novice drivers. This week, December 2 through December 9, we’re going to talk about older driver safety because it is Older Driver Safety Awareness Week (ODSAW).
Sponsored by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), this is an annual initiative that aims to promote an understanding of how important mobility and transportation are to ensuring older adults remain active in their communities.
AOTA will be calling attention to different aspects of older driver safety, such as having important family conversations, identifying changes that can affect driving, and visiting an Occupational Therapist for an evaluation.
Tuesday, December 3, please join me for a Twitter discussion on older driver safety issues from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT. I will be participating in the conversation using the @BeCarChic Twitter handle, fielding questions about driver safety and providing tips for avoiding some of the pitfalls for seasoned drivers. Tune in by following the #ODSAWchat hash tag.
#ODSAWchat participants include:
Get background information about AOTA and Older Driver Safety Awareness week here.
Cool! I think I can join you today. And I promise not to share too many jokes, you know, distracted denture fixing while driving. Melanie, feel free to shut me down if I go rogue.
Thanks, Matt! I’ll look forward to your participation…and your jokes.
I appreciate the information shared with the chat, Melanie. Moreover, those details make great fodder for an article on Answers.com.
I think you know that I’m the category expert for this site: http://autos.answers.com/ Can I contact you for a quote? I may need to get in touch with a few of the other panelists too. Thanks!
Thanks, Matt. And thanks for joining us yesterday. Feel free to email me if you need a quote. I can also put you in touch with the facilitator of the panel discussion for more information.