Be Car Chic is Going to Germany!

As you may know, our contributor Whitney Ramirez recently entered a contest for a chance to become a Social Media Ambassador for the German National Tourist Office (GNTO) … and she won! That means Be Car Chic is going to Germany!


We would like to share our sincerest gratitude to all who took time from their day to vote for her throughout the stressful month-long social media contest. The competition was tough but we are so ecstatic that she made it through!

While some details have yet to be released, Whitney will officially be traveling to Germany Oct. 27 through Nov. 4! We are stoked to see the final itinerary and hope there are plenty of automotive experiences to share with you!

Over the course of the trip, Whitney will be posting trip updates live across our social channels. Make sure you’re following us at the links below so you don’t miss any fun details!


We want to hear from you. What cool automotive experiences are on your bucket list?

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This article was written by
Whitney Ramirez

Whitney (Gonzalez) Ramirez has admired high-performing cars from a young age since her father is an automotive mechanic and racecar driver. She is intrigued by new developments in the automotive industry and is particularly interested in European cars and racing. Read more about Whitney here.