How I Drive | Profile of Jody DeVere,

How I Drive | Profile of Jody DeVere,

Have you heard of Today we’re happy to share the driving profile of its founder, Jody DeVere. helps women have the best car buying and servicing experiences by providing a database of Certified Female Friendly automotive retail locations across the United States and Canada. To say the least, Jody is kind of a big deal in the industry – an automotive journalist, safety spokeswoman and car care expert to name a few…

Take a look inside Jody’s driving style and be sure to check out the next time female-friendly automotive service!

How I Drive | Jody DeVere

Location: Southern California

Daily Driver: 2010 VW Beetle Baby Blue named “Blue Bird.” Also has AutoTex PINK wiper blades – so cute!

Time Spent Driving/day: 2 hours

Road Most Traveled: I-10

Driving Style in One Word: Defensive

In-Car Must-Haves: Great stereo system and speakers

Driving Tunes: Classic Rock, Jazz, Classical and Reggae

Time-saving technique: GPS with traffic conditions to find alternate routes and avoid accidents!

Hanging from rear view: Nothing!

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Whitney (Gonzalez) Ramirez has admired high-performing cars from a young age since her father is an automotive mechanic and racecar driver. She is intrigued by new developments in the automotive industry and is particularly interested in European cars and racing. Read more about Whitney here.