Infographic: Distracted Driving and Teenage Drivers
Editor’s Note: It is no secret how I feel about distracted driving. My Distraction Free Fridays (DFF) campaign has been ongoing since April 2011, and I believe that speaking up on this issue has helped curb behind-the-wheel behavior among those close to me and (hopefully) beyond my network. I often have friends tell me that they were thinking about taking a photo or texting something funny while they were driving but they thought of me and decided not to do it. That’s the best response I could hope for after a year-and-a-half of campaigning. I will continue to speak up about these issues because I just don’t think a text or photo are worth it in the long run.
Last week was National Teen Driver Safety Week. I hope that thanks to the education that NHTSA and state-by-state organizations have been conducting, teenagers across the country will also think twice about partaking in distracted driving.
Here’s an infographic from the folks at Michigan Auto Law that talks about driver distractions among newly licensed teenage drivers. I think this does a great job of combining statistics and the reality of how easily drivers (regardless of age) can become distracted from the task at hand.
Distracted Driving & Teen Drivers – An infographic by the team at Michigan Auto Law
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